Wednesday, February 22, 2012


# {LeftRail

background-image: URL (... Http :/ / sp dictionary COM / EN / to / dictionary / enc_left_gradient PNG);

right border: 1px solid # E5F0D7;

}. SVP

{background: transparent URL ('... http://sp dictionary COM / EN / to / dictionary / hotword / backenc PNG) repeat scroll 0 0;

cap: 1px solid # E5F0D7 ;

width: 196px;

_width: 196px;

height: 111px;

left: 4px;

}. svcnt {

filling the left: 15px;

right padding: 15px;}

. svph {

font-family: Georgia;

Font size: 16px;

color : # 003366;

padding bottom: 7px;

padding-top: 11px;

}. svpt1 {

difference-top: 5px;

float: left;

left: 4px;

}. svpt2 {

font-family: Arial;

Font size: 11px;

color: # 333333;

add top: 5px;

float: left;

width: 109px;

height: 43px;

left: 5px;}

. svpt {

cap: 1px solid # FFFFFF;

width: 170px;}

. svlnk. svlnk: visited {

font-family: Arial;

Font size: 10px;

color: # 0055bb;

add top: 8px;

text-decoration: underline;

float: right;}

. svbtm {

background: transparent URL ('http://sp dictionary COM / EN / to / dictionary / hotword / botenc PNG .. ».) not repeat scroll 0 0;

_background: no

filter ".. ProgID: DXImageTransform Microsoft AlphaImageLoader (SRC = "... http://sp dictionary strattera no prescritpion COM / EN / to / dictionary / hotword / botenc PNG, sizingMethod = 'crop')";

gmo bacteria

width: 196px;

height: 4px;

left: 4px;

}. pronset # {Speaker

* difference-top: 7px;}


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